2009年10月9日 星期五

試用 : Fresh Sugar Face Polish


產品介紹 :

A Fresh best-seller, SUGAR FACE POLISH leaves the complexion extremely bright and radiant in just one use. The innovative formula is enriched with revitalizing brown sugar and antioxidant-rich wild strawberries, which work together to gently dissolve dead skin cells and reveal perfectly nourished skin.

- Nourishes and smoothes skin
- Gently eradicates dull flakes
- Leaves skin with a healthy, radiant glow
- Won’t sting or cause redness
- Can be used daily
- Ideal for all skin types

Key Ingredients:
- Real brown sugar crystals gently polish the complexion by dissolving dead skin cells.
- Crushed wild strawberries deliver antioxidant-rich vitamin C to protect and heal skin.
- A nourishing blend of meadowfoam seed, plum, mango and macadamia oils intensely condition and moisturize the skin.

Fresh Tip:
Incorporate SUGAR FACE POLISH into your Fresh skincare regimen 3 to 4 times a week.

4ml sample, 用左一次仲有咁 d d , 勉強用到 2次

質地似 d 半溶既黃糖 (食豆腐花果 d), 搽上面好香甜既味, 搞到有 d 想食左佢, haha, BA 教濕面搽, 等 10mins 後過水, 粒粒有 d 粗, 所以皮薄或敏感皮膚唔可以磨, 我多手過水時磨左幾下, 都有少少痛呀, 敷完都幾滑, 少少滋潤感, 一 d 都唔 lup, 真係似用片糖磨粉敷面咁, 唔係咁貴都買得過既... haha 

