2014年9月27日 星期六


第一次去 Parkway 做皮膚咨詢時, 除左 join 左療程, 仲買左一套 ZO MEDICAL 既護膚品, 係 OBAGI 既新版

包裝同 OBAGI 完全唔同, 不過都睇得出係醫學品牌, 好簡約, 而且都大大支

拆左外盒, 就係咁既樣啦, 同個盒其實差唔多樣

ZO Medical NORMACLEANSE Cleanser for Normal to Dry Skin  240ml

Its advanced surfactant gently removes impurities and oil, and prepares the skin to receive therapeutic treatments.  This unique formulation gently cleans and conditions the skin.
- Highly advanced surfactant matrix removes impurities
- Peptide and collagen-boosting complex helps firm the skin
- Moisturizing complex nourishes and calms the skin

超大支既洗面膏, 份量係平時洗面膏既一倍呀, 而且唔需要用好多, 質地介乎膏狀與乳液狀之間, 白色無香味, 加少少水就好易起到泡, 而且洗後完全唔乾, 但好乾淨, 好鍾意呢支 cleanser

ZO Medical BALATONE Calming Toner PH Balancer  180ml

This unique toner optimizes the penetration of therapeutic treatments by removing impurities and balancing the PH of weak skin.  It invigorates dry, sensitive and irritated skin with its proprietary technology.
- Unique combination of solvents, astringents, and exfoliants thoroughly clears and cleanses the skin
- Exclusive blend of conditioners, moisturizers, and hydrators soothes treated skin
- Gentle cooling action adds comfort to reduce irritation

透明水狀, 倒出黎聞到幾勁既酒精味, 試過唔小心 hi 到近眼位, 好攻眼呀, 用後塊面會有 d 涼涼地, 見到化妝棉抹到好多啡啡黃黃既死皮, 係每次都用抹到, 唔會用幾次就無, 証明去角質效果係幾好, 初初都怕會唔會敏感, 但用落又無事喎

MELAMIN Skin Bleaching & Correction Creme  80g

Hydroquinone USP, 4% Prescription Only
A highly effective Rx solution to lighten hyperpigmentation with 4% hydroquinone.  Recommended following use of BRIGHTENEX.  This formulation alters the essential subcellular metabolic processes that cause cytolysis.  Its inhibits melanin production to even skin color and tone.
- 4% hydroquinone ats as a grodual blaching agent
- Reduces the appearance of chloasma, melasma, freckles, and sun damage
- Vitamin E helps repair damaged skin cells

白色 light cream 狀, 無任何香味, 唔算好推, 要按一陣先吸收, 補濕度唔算高, 所以都會用精華打底先用, 初初用佢會勁甩皮, 同有少少敏感, 所以隔日用, 到皮膚適應左, 先每晚用, 甩皮情況每個人都唔同, 有啲人用好耐都仲會甩皮, 但唔算嚴重, 只係頭一星期甩, 仲只係甩鼻及下巴多角質既位置, 用左佢毛孔細左唔少, 荷爾蒙斑都淡左好多, 所以對佢真係又愛又恨

呢套產品整體感覺都唔錯, 而且好襟用, 但佢始終有少少果酸成份, 每次做 treatment 前 3日及後7日我都會停用, 所以用得更加慢, 但只要一用, 效果都 keep 到, 最鍾意係支 cleanser, toner 去角質效果好好, 不過酒精味太重, 個 cream 就好鍾意個效果, 但質地及會甩皮及易敏感就唔鍾意啦

